
WP Area n NM Hell Clue
Rogue Encampment Have fun :)
Blood Moor 1 36 67 Follow roads
     Den of Evil 1 36 79 Corpsefire
Cold Plains 2 36 68 Follow roads
     The Cave L1 2 36 77
     The Cave L2 2 37 78
Burial Grounds 3 36 80
     Crypt 3 37 83
     Mausoleum 3 37 85
Stony Field 4 37 68 Stones on road
     Tristram 6 39 76
     Underground Passage L1 4 37 69 Go straight
     Underground Passage L2 4 38 85
Dark Wood 5 38 68
Black Marsh 6 38 69
     Tower Cellar L1 7 38 75 Go left
     Tower Cellar L2 7 39 76 Go left
     Tower Cellar L3 7 40 77 Go left
     Tower Cellar L4 7 41 78 Go left
     Tower Cellar L5 7 42 79 Countess
     The Hole L1 5 38 80 Go left
     The Hole L2 5 39 81
Tamoe Highland 8 39 69 Follow roads
     The Pit L1 7 39 85
     The Pit L2 7 40 85
Monastery Gate 8 40 70
Outer Cloister 9 40 70
Barracks 9 40 70 Go left
Jail L1 10 41 71 Go straight
Jail L2 10 41 71 Go straight
Jail L3 10 41 71 Go left
Inner Cloister 10 41 72 Exit straight-right
Cathedral 11 42 72
Catacombs L1 11 42 72
Catacombs L2 11 42 73 Go right from WP
Catacombs L3 12 43 73
Catacombs L4 12 43 73 Andariel
Secret Cow Level 28 64 81 Cow King
Lut Gholein
     Sewers L1 13 43 74 Enter from docks
     Sewers L2 13 43 74 Go left from WP
     Sewers L3 14 44 75 Go left, Radament
Rocky Waste 14 43 75
     Stony Tomb L1 12 44 85 Go left
     Stony Tomb L2 12 44 85 Go left for chest, str. for boss
Dry Hills 15 44 76
     Halls of the Dead L1 12 44 79 Go left
     Halls of the Dead L2 13 45 81 Go left
     Halls of the Dead L3 13 45 82 Go left for Cube
Far Oasis 16 45 76
     Maggot Lair L1 17 45 84 Go right
     Maggot Lair L2 17 45 84 Go right
     Maggot Lair L3 17 46 85 Go straight for Staff
Lost City 17 46 77 Endless night begins
     Ancient Tunnels 17 46 85 Go left
Valley of Snakes 18 46 77
     Claw Viper Temple L1 14 47 82 Go left
     Claw Viper Temple L2 14 47 83 Amulet
     Harem L2 13 47 78 Run along edges
     Palace Cellar L1 13 47 78 Run along edges
     Palace Cellar L2 13 47 78 Run along edges
     Palace Cellar L3 13 48 78 Portal in center
Arcane Sanctuary 14 48 79 True tomb omitted
Canyon of the Magi 16 48 79
Tal Rasha's Tomb 17 49 80 Go left
Tal Rasha's Chamber 17 49 80 Duriel
Kurast Docks
Spider Forest 21 49 79 Cavern is far from WP
     Arachnid Lair 21 50 85
     Spider Cavern 21 50 79 Eye
Great Marsh 21 50 80
Flayer Jungle 22 50 80
     Swampy Pit L1 21 51 85 Go left
     Swampy Pit L2 21 51 85 Go left
     Swampy Pit L3 21 51 85
     Flayer Dungeon L1 22 51 81 Go left
     Flayer Dungeon L2 22 51 82 Go left
     Flayer Dungeon L3 22 51 83 Brain in maze   
Lower Kurast 22 52 80
Kurast Bazaar 22 52 81
     Disused Fane 23 53 85
     Ruined Temple 23 53 85 L.E.'s Tome
     Sewers L1 23 52 85 Go right from chest
     Sewers L2 24 53 85 Heart
Upper Kurast 23 52 81
     Forgotten Temple 24 54 85
     Forgotten Reliquary 23 53 85
Kurast Causeway 24 53 81
     Disused Reliquary 24 54 85
     Ruined Fane 24 54 85
Travincal 24 54 82 Flail
Durance of Hate L1 25 55 83 Go left
Durance of Hate L2 25 55 83 Go left from WP
Durance of Hate L3 25 55 83 Mephisto
Pandemonium Fortress
Outer Steppes 26 56 82
Plains of Despair 26 56 83 Izual
City of the Damned 27 57 84
River of Flame 27 57 85 Go straight
Chaos Sanctuary 28 58 85 Diablo
Bloody Foothills 24 58 80
Frigid Highlands 25 59 81
     Abaddon 39 60 85
Arreat Plateau 26 60 81
     Pit of Acheron 39 61 85
Crystalline Passage 29 61 82 Go left
Frozen River 29 61 82
Nihlathak's Temple 32 63 83 Pindleskin
     Halls of Anguish 33 63 83
     Halls of Pain 34 64 84 WP fixed to exit   
     Halls of Vaught 36 64 84 Follow decor to Nihlathak   
Glacial Trail 29 61 83 Go left
     Drifter Cavern 29 61 85
Frozen Tundra 27 60 81
     Infernal Pit 39 62 85
Ancients' Way 29 62 82 Go left
     Icy Cellar 29 62 85
Arreat Summit 37 68 87 Ancients
Worldstone Keep L1 39 65 85
Worldstone Keep L2 40 65 85 Go right from WP
Worldstone Keep L3 42 66 85
Throne of Destruction 43 66 85
Worldstone Chamber 43 66 85 Baal
Secret Cow Level 28 64 81 Cow King
Forgotten Sands 83 Über Duriel
Furnace of Pain 83 Über Izual
Matron's Den 83 Lilith
Über Tristram 83 Pandemonium

Runes / Gems

Rune Clvl Utility Countess Cows Chests Forge Cube Upward
      El 11 1 out of 3 n n A2 n 3 ×  El  →  Eld
      Eld 11 1 out of 3 n n A2 n 3 ×  Eld  →  Tir
      Tir 13 2 out of 3 n n A2 n 3 ×  Tir  →  Nef
      Nef 13 1 out of 3 n n A2 n 3 ×  Nef  →  Eth
      Eth 15 2 out of 3 n n A3 n 3 ×  Eth  →  Ith
      Ith 15 2 out of 3 n n A3 n 3 ×  Ith  →  Tal
      Tal 17 2 out of 3 n n A3 n 3 ×  Tal  →  Ral
      Ral 19 2 out of 3 n n A3 n 3 ×  Ral  →  Ort
      Ort 21 2 out of 3 NM n A3 n 3 ×  Ort  →  Thul
      Thul 23 2 out of 3 NM n A4 n 3 ×  Thul  + Chipped Topaz →  Amn
      Amn 25 1 out of 3 NM n A4 n 3 ×  Amn  + Chipped Amethyst →  Sol
      Sol 27 3 out of 3 NM n A4 NM 3 ×  Sol  + Chipped Sapphire →  Shael
      Shael 29 1 out of 3 NM n A5 NM 3 ×  Shael  + Chipped Ruby →  Dol
      Dol 31 2 out of 3 NM n A5 NM 3 ×  Dol  + Chipped Emerald →  Hel
      Hel 3 out of 3 NM NM A1 NM NM 3 ×  Hel  + Chipped Diamond →  Io
      Io 35 1 out of 3 NM NM A1 NM NM 3 ×  Io  + Flawed Topaz →  Lum
      Lum 37 1 out of 3 NM* NM A2 NM NM 3 ×  Lum  + Flawed Amethyst →  Ko
      Ko 39 2 out of 3 NM* NM A2 NM NM 3 ×  Ko  + Flawed Sapphire →  Fal
      Fal 41 1 out of 3 Hell NM A3 NM NM 3 ×  Fal  + Flawed Ruby →  Lem
      Lem 43 2 out of 3 Hell NM A3 NM NM 3 ×  Lem  + Flawed Emerald →  Pul
      Pul 45 3 out of 3 Hell NM A4 NM NM 2 ×  Pul  + Flawed Diamond →  Um
      Um 47 3 out of 3 Hell NM A4 NM NM 2 ×  Um  + Topaz →  Mal
      Mal 49 2 out of 3 Hell NM A5 NM Hell 2 ×  Mal  + Amethyst →  Ist
      Ist 51 3 out of 3 Hell NM A5 NM Hell 2 ×  Ist  + Sapphire →  Gul
      Gul 53 1 out of 3 Hell* Hell A1 Hell Hell 2 ×  Gul  + Ruby →  Vex
      Vex 55 3 out of 3 Hell* Hell A1 Hell 2 ×  Vex  + Emerald →  Ohm
      Ohm 57 2 out of 3 Hell* Hell A2 Hell 2 ×  Ohm  + Diamond →  Lo
      Lo 59 3 out of 3 Hell* Hell A2 Hell 2 ×  Lo  + Flawless Topaz →  Sur
      Sur 61 3 out of 3 Hell A3 Hell 2 ×  Sur  + Flawless Amethyst →  Ber
      Ber 63 3 out of 3 Hell A3 Hell 2 ×  Ber  + Flawless Sapphire →  Jah
      Jah 65 3 out of 3 Hell A4 Hell 2 ×  Jah  + Flawless Ruby →  Cham
      Cham 67 3 out of 3 Hell A4 Hell 2 ×  Cham  + Flawless Emerald →  Zod
      Zod 69 1 out of 3 Hell A5 Hell


Runeword Rating Clvl Soc. Item Class Rune #1 Rune #2 Rune #3 Rune #4 Rune #5 Rune #6
Beast 3 out of 3 63 5os Axes / Hammers / Scepters Ber Tir Um Mal Lum
Black 3 out of 3 35 3os Clubs / Hammers / Maces Thul Io Nef
Bulwark 3 out of 3 35 3os Helms Shael Io Sol
Call to Arms 3 out of 3 57 5os Weapons Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm
Chains of Honor 3 out of 3 63 4os Armor Dol Um Ber Ist
Enigma 3 out of 3 65 3os Armor Jah Ith Ber
Fortitude 3 out of 3 59 4os Weapons / Armor El Sol Dol Lo
Grief 3 out of 3 59 5os Axes / Swords Eth Tir Lo Mal Ral
Heart of the Oak 3 out of 3 55 4os Maces* / Staves Ko Vex Pul Thul
Hustle 3 out of 3 39 3os Weapons / Armor Shael Ko Eld
Infinity 3 out of 3 63 4os Polearms / Spears Ber Mal Ber Ist
Insight 3 out of 3 27 4os Polearms / Staves / Bows / Crossbows Ral Tir Tal Sol
Mosaic 3 out of 3 53 53os Claws Mal Gul Amn
Obedience 3 out of 3 41 5os Polearms / Spears Hel Ko Thul Eth Fal
Rhyme 3 out of 3 29 2os Shields Shael Eth
Smoke 3 out of 3 37 2os Armor Nef Lum
Spirit 3 out of 3 25 4os Swords / Shields Tal Thul Ort Amn
Stealth 3 out of 3 17 2os Armor Tal Eth
Treachery 3 out of 3 43 3os Armor Shael Thul Lem
Wealth 3 out of 3 43 3os Armor Lem Ko Tir
White 3 out of 3 35 2os Wands Dol Io
Ancient's Pledge 2 out of 3 21 3os Shields Ral Ort Tal
Breath of the Dying 2 out of 3 69 6os Weapons Vex Hel El Eld Zod Eth
Delirium 2 out of 3 51 3os Helms Lem Ist Io
Dream 2 out of 3 65 3os Helms / Shields Io Jah Pul
Edge 2 out of 3 25 3os Missile Weapons Tir Tal Amn
Exile 2 out of 3 57 4os Paladin Shields Vex Ohm Ist Dol
Faith 2 out of 3 65 4os Missile Weapons Ohm Jah Lem Eld
Flickering Flame 2 out of 3 55 3os Helms Nef Pul Vex
Harmony 2 out of 3 39 4os Missile Weapons Tir Ith Sol Ko
Hearth 2 out of 3 35 3os Helms Shael Io Thul
Last Wish 2 out of 3 65 6os Axes / Hammers / Swords Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber
Leaf 2 out of 3 19 2os Staves Tir Ral
Lore 2 out of 3 27 2os Helms Ort Sol
Metamorphosis 2 out of 3 67 3os Helms Io Cham Fal
Obsession 2 out of 3 69 6os Staves Zod Ist Lem Lum Io Nef
Peace 2 out of 3 29 3os Armor Shael Thul Amn
Phoenix 2 out of 3 65 4os Weapons / Shields Vex Vex Lo Jah
Splendor 2 out of 3 37 2os Shields Eth Lum
Steel 2 out of 3 13 2os Axes / Mace / Swords Tir El
Stone 2 out of 3 47 4os Armor Shael Um Pul Lum
Voice of Reason 2 out of 3 43 4os Mace / Swords Lem Ko El Eld
Bone 1 out of 3 37 3os Armor Sol Um Um
Bramble 1 out of 3 61 4os Armor Ral Ohm Sur Eth
Brand 1 out of 3 65 4os Missile Weapons Jah Lo Mal Gul
Chaos 1 out of 3 57 3os Claws Fal Ohm Um
Crescent Moon 1 out of 3 47 3os Axes / Polearms / Swords Shael Um Tir
Cure 1 out of 3 35 3os Helms Shael Io Tal
Death 1 out of 3 55 5os Axes / Swords Hel El Vex Ort Gul
Destruction 1 out of 3 65 5os Polearms / Swords Vex Lo Ber Jah Ko
Doom 1 out of 3 67 5os Axes / Hammers / Polearms Hel Ohm Um Lo Cham
Dragon 1 out of 3 61 3os Armor / Shields Sur Lo Sol
Duress 1 out of 3 47 3os Armor Shael Um Thul
Enlightenment 1 out of 3 45 3os Armor Pul Ral Sol
Eternity 1 out of 3 63 5os Melee Weapons Amn Ber Ist Sol Sur
Famine 1 out of 3 65 4os Axes / Hammers Fal Ohm Ort Jah
Fury 1 out of 3 65 3os Melee Weapons Jah Gul Eth
Gloom 1 out of 3 47 3os Armor Fal Um Pul
Ground 1 out of 3 35 3os Helms Shael Io Ort
Hand of Justice 1 out of 3 67 4os Weapons Sur Cham Amn Lo
Holy Thunder 1 out of 3 23 4os Scepters Eth Ral Ort Tal
Honor 1 out of 3 27 5os Melee Weapons Amn El Ith Tir Sol
Ice 1 out of 3 65 4os Missile Weapons Amn Shael Jah Lo
King's Grace 1 out of 3 25 3os Scepters / Swords Amn Ral Thul
Kingslayer 1 out of 3 53 4os Axes / Swords Mal Um Gul Fal
Lawbringer 1 out of 3 43 3os Hammers / Scepters / Swords Amn Lem Ko
Lionheart 1 out of 3 41 3os Armor Hel Lum Fal
Malice 1 out of 3 15 3os Melee Weapons Ith El Eth
Melody 1 out of 3 39 3os Missile Weapons Shael Ko Nef
Memory 1 out of 3 37 4os Staves Lum Io Sol Eth
Mist 1 out of 3 67 5os Bows / Crossbows Cham Shael Gul Thul Ith
Myth 1 out of 3 25 3os Armor Hel Amn Nef
Nadir 1 out of 3 13 2os Helms Nef Tir
Oath 1 out of 3 59 4os Axes / Mace / Swords Shael Pul Mal Lum
Passion 1 out of 3 43 4os Weapons Dol Ort Eld Lem
Pattern 1 out of 3 23 3os Claws Tal Ort Thul
Plague 1 out of 3 67 3os Swords / Claws / Daggers Cham Shael Um
Pride 1 out of 3 67 4os Polearms / Spears Cham Sur Io Lo
Principle 1 out of 3 55 3os Armor Ral Gul Eld
Prudence 1 out of 3 49 2os Armor Mal Tir
Radiance 1 out of 3 27 3os Helms Nef Sol Ith
Rain 1 out of 3 49 3os Armor Ort Mal Ith
Rift 1 out of 3 53 4os Polearms / Scepters Hel Ko Lem Gul
Sanctuary 1 out of 3 49 3os Shields Ko Ko Mal
Silence 1 out of 3 55 6os Weapons Dol Eld Hel Ist Tir Vex
Strength 1 out of 3 25 2os Melee Weapons Amn Tir
Temper 1 out of 3 35 3os Helms Shael Io Ral
Unbending Will 1 out of 3 35 6os Swords Fal Io Ith Eld El Hel
Venom 1 out of 3 49 3os Weapons Tal Dol Mal
Wind 1 out of 3 61 2os Melee Weapons Sur El
Wisdom 1 out of 3 45 3os Helms Pul Ith Eld
Wrath 1 out of 3 63 4os Missile Weapons Pul Lum Ber Mal
Zephyr 1 out of 3 21 2os Missile Weapons Ort Eth

Faster Cast Rate (FCR)

Class/Form → Frames 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Amazon 0 7 14 22 32 48 68 99 152
Assassin 0 8 16 27 42 65 102 174
Barbarian 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Druid — Human 0 4 10 19 30 46 68 99 163
Druid — Werebear 0 7 15 26 40 63 99 163
Druid — Werewolf 0 6 14 26 40 60 95 157
Necro — Human 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Necro — Vampire 24 35 48 65 86 120 180
Paladin 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
Sorceress — Light. 0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194
Sorceress — Other 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
Merc — Iron Wolf 0 8 15 26 39 58 86 138

Your character must perform a spellcast animation each time you use certain skills. Items with Faster Cast Rate reduce the amount of frames that the animation costs you, allowing you to perform more actions in a shorter amount of time. This improves Teleport speed, your effective DPS, and how quickly you can set up skill combos.
For example: As a Sorceress, if you have a total of at least 35% FCR, your Lightning spells will only take 15 animation frames to cast rather than the base 19.

Faster Hit Recovery (FHR)

Class/Form → Frames 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Amazon 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Assassin 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Barbarian 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Druid — Human 1H 0 3 7 13 19 29 42 63 99 174 456
Druid — Human 2H 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
Druid — Werebear 0 5 10 16 24 37 54 86 152 360
Druid — Werewolf 0 9 20 42 86 280
Necro — Human 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
Necro — Vampire 0 2 6 10 16 24 34 48 72 117
Paladin — Spears / Staves 0 3 7 13 20 32 48 75 129 280
Paladin — Other Weapons 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Sorceress 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 142 280
Merc — Rogue 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Merc — Desert 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 133 232 600
Merc — Iron Wolf 8 13 18 24 32 46 63 86 133 232 600
Merc — Barbarian 0 7 15 27 48 86 200

If your character suffers a hit that deals at least 8% of their HP in damage, you will be forced into a hit-recovery animation. If you are being hit repeatedly, this can result in you being stunlocked in place. Items with Faster Hit Recovery decrease the amount of time you spend performing this animation.

Faster Block Rate (FBR)

Class/Form → Frames 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Amazon — 1HS 15 23 29 40 56 80 120 200 480
Amazon — Other 0 13 32 86 600
Assassin 0 13 32 86 600
Barbarian 0 9 20 42 86 280
Druid — Human 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Druid — Werebear 0 5 10 16 27 40 65 109 223
Druid — Werewolf 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
Necro 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
Paladin — Base 0 13 32 86 600
Paladin — Holy Shield 0 86
Sorceress 0 7 15 27 48 86 200

After your character successfully blocks an attack, they are forced to play a blocking animation. Items with Faster Block Rate decrease the amount of time you spend in this animation so that you can block again.

Useful Cube Recipes

Red Portals / Events

In Diablo II: Resurrected, the Cow King can be killed with no penalty. To open the portal, you must be in Act I.
For the Pandemonium event, keys only drop in Hell difficulty. The random portal recipe will not send you to repeat destinations within the same game, so it's wisest to collect 3 of each key before starting. Complete all organ harvesting in a single game. To open the Pandemonium portals, you must be standing in Hell Harrogath. See also: Full Pandemonium info.

Wirt's Leg + Tome of Town Portal Portal to The Secret Cow Level
Key of Terror (Countess) + Key of Hate (Summoner) + Key of Destruction (Nihl.) Random Pandemonium portal
Mephisto's Brain (Über Izual) + Diablo's Horn (Lilith) + Baal's Eye (Über Duriel) Portal to Über Tristram


If you have exhausted all three of your respecs from Akara, you can craft a Token using Essence drops from Hell bosses.
The chance to recieve an Essence from a boss is about 1 in 32.

Twisted Essence + Charged Essence + Burning Essence + Festering Essence Token of Absolution
↳  from Hell Andariel/Duriel ↳  from Hell Mephisto ↳  from Hell Diablo ↳  from Hell Baal


Re-rolled items will retain no modifiers, including being ethereal or socketed. Only the most-used recipies are shown, see all cube recipies.

Magic item + 3  ×   Perfect Gems Reroll of magic item, same level (best on Charms from Hell bosses)
Rare item + 6  ×  Perfect Skulls Lower-quality reroll of rare item (best on Diadems, which are fixed)
3  ×  Magic Amulet Magic Ring (at 0.75 × Clvl), best on level 80+ characters
3  ×  Magic Ring Magic Amulet (at 0.75 × Clvl), best on level 80+ characters
3  ×  Rejuvenation Potion Full Rejuvenation Potion
2  ×  Quivers of Arrows Quiver of Bolts (random quantity)
2  ×  Quivers of Bolts Quiver of Arrows (random quantity)

Repairing and Recharging

The Cube allows you to recharge or repair items that are otherwise prohibitively expensive to fix at vendors (such as items with Teleport charges).

Ort + Weapon Repaired weapon
Ral + Armor Repaired armor
Ort + Weapon + Any Chipped Gem Repaired and recharged weapon
Ral + Armor + Any Flawed Gem Repaired and recharged armor

Socket Work

The amount of sockets added to an item cannot exceed the natural maximum. The game rolls a number between 1-6 for all items and gives your item that number of sockets or the maximum, if the number exceeds the maximum. For example, on a Monarch, the game rolls 1-6, and there is a 50% chance to receive 4 sockets. For more information, see this article.

Ral + Amn + Perfect Amethyst + Non-superior white weapon Socketed weapon of same type
Tal + Amn + Perfect Ruby + Non-superior white shield Socketed shield of same type
Ral + Thul + Perfect Sapphire + Non-superior white helm Socketed helm of same type
Tal + Thul + Perfect Topaz + Non-superior white armor Socketed armor of same type
Hel + Scroll of Town Portal + Any socketed item Destroys all items in sockets

Upping Equipment

Weapons and armor that are not already elite-quality base items can be “upped” to the next tier using the recipes below.
Beware that the item requirements will also increase.

Ort + Amn + Perfect Sapphire + Normal Rare Weapon Exceptional Rare Weapon
Ral + Thul + Perfect Amethyst + Normal Rare Armor Exceptional Rare Armor
Fal + Um + Perfect Sapphire + Exceptional Rare Weapon Elite Rare Weapon
Ko + Pul + Perfect Amethyst + Exceptional Rare Armor Elite Rare Armor
Ral + Sol + Perfect Emerald + Normal Set Weapon Exceptional Set Weapon
Tal + Shael + Perfect Diamond + Normal Set Armor Exceptional Set Armor
Lum + Pul + Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Set Weapon Elite Set Weapon
Ko + Lem + Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Set Armor Elite Set Armor
Ral + Sol + Perfect Emerald + Normal Unique Weapon Exceptional Unique Weapon
Tal + Shael + Perfect Diamond + Normal Unique Armor Exceptional Unique Armor
Lum + Pul + Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon Elite Unique Weapon
Ko + Lem + Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Unique Armor Elite Unique Armor

Optimal Crafting

You have a 100% chance to receive four affixes on your crafted item if the inputs yield an item level 71+. Both your level and the input item level matter. Unfortunately, due to which effects players desire on items, there are very specific levels you must shop at and craft to optimize your output. Only the most popular crafting recipes are shown. For a full list, see Maxroll's crafting guide.

Any Staff + Any Kris + Any Diamond + Any Belt Savage Polearm*
Magic Casque* + Ral + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Helm*
Magic Sharkskin Gloves* + Nef + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Gloves*, best at Clvl 69-72, 76-77
Magic Mesh Belt* +  Tal + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Belt*, best at Clvl 88+
Magic Battle Boots* +  Eth + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Boots*, best at Clvl 88+
Magic Amulet* +  Amn + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Amulet*, best at Clvl 93+
Magic Ring* +  Sol + Perfect Ruby + Any jewel Blood Ring*, best at Clvl 80-83, 83+
Magic Sharkskin Belt* + Ith + Perfect Amethyst + Any jewel Caster Belt*, best at Clvl 88+
Magic Demonhide Boots* +  Thul + Perfect Amethyst + Any jewel Caster Boots*, best at Clvl 88+
Magic Amulet + Ral + Perfect Amethyst + Any jewel Caster Amulet*, best at Clvl 93+
Magic Heavy Bracers* + Ort + Perfect Sapphire + Any jewel Hit Power Gloves*, best at Clvl 69-71, 77-78

Farming / Bases


These are the best ways to powerlevel characters. Farm XP using /players 8 or as many people as you can get online. If you are above level 70, obtain an Annihilus for the XP boost.

For Clvl Difficulty Powerleveling Strategy
1-15 n Normal Rakanishu and Tristram runs
15-20 n Normal Tomb runs (clear all seven tombs, ignore Duriel)
20-24 n Normal Cow runs
24 n Complete normal Rite of Passage
24-40 n Normal Baal runs
40 NM Complete Nightmare Rite of Passage
40-60 NM Nightmare Baal runs
60 Hell Complete the Hell Rite of Passage
61-99 Hell Hell Baal runs, Hell Chaos Sanctuary runs

Commonly Needed Bases & Shopping

When farming items from Cows, use 0% Magic Find so that more white and socketed bases drop for you. The cube recipe for adding sockets is not guaranteed, but for items with 4os max, the chance is 50%.

Desired Item Goal Where to Get
3os Bow/Crossbow Edge runeword Shop normal Charsi, Clvl 13 or below
+X/+X Necro Wand White runeword Shop normal Akara/Drognan, Clvl 13 or below, only Bone Wands / Grim Wands can get 2os
+X/+X Fire Staff Leaf runeword Shop normal Akara/Drognan, Clvl 13 or below
3os Flail Black, Steel runeword Shop normal Fara, Clvl 13 or below
3os Mace Black runeword Shop normal Fara, Clvl 13 or below
Teleport Staff Cheap Teleport charges Shop normal Ormus between Clvl 19-24
Lower Resist Wand Lower Resist charges Shop Hell Drognan/Malah at Clvl 30+
Life Tap Wand Life Tap charges Shop normal Ormus/Malah
3os Large Shield Early Ancient's Pledge Shop normal Fara
4os Polearm Early Insight runeword Find white from normal Cows, socket with quest or cube for 4os
4os Crystal Sword Spirit runeword Find white from normal Cows, socket with quest or cube for 4os
4os Monarch Spirit runeword Find from Hell Cows (if white, socket with quest or cube for 4os)
4os Paladin Shields Spirit runeword Find from Hell Cows (if white, socket with quest or cube for 4os)
4os Flail Heart of the Oak runeword Find white from normal Cows, socket with quest or cube for 4os
4os Thresher / GT Final Insight or Infinity Find socketed (and ideally ethereal) from Hell Cows
Socketed Elite Armor Final armor runeword Find socketed from Hell Cows (or white and socket with quest or cube if max sockets desired)
Cunning Claws of Quickness Trapsin Shop Hell Anya, Clvl 75+
Lancer's Gloves of Alacrity Javazon Shop Hell Anya, Clvl 75+
Archers Gloves of Alacrity Bow Amazon Shop Hell Anya, Clvl 75+

Loot Farming Guide

In general, farming Cows is useful when you want a high density of enemies and more items to drop, which is why Cows tend to be best for runes or socketable bases. For Holy Grail items or every possible item, bosses or level 85 champion areas are usually best.

To Farm Do This
Gold Farm Travincal council, or sell drops from bosses and other farming
Chipped Gems Farm anywhere in Normal Act I or Normal Cows
Other Gems Farm Hell Cows
Socket Bases Farm Normal Cows or Hell Cows (item-specific, use 0% Magic Find, see bases table)
Jewels / Facets Hell Cows or champion areas (see next table)
Charms Farm Hell Cows or champion areas (see next table)
Re-rollable Charms Farm Hell Diablo, Hell Baal, and Hell Nihlathak (other bosses do not drop high enough level charms)
Gheed's Fortune Farm Hell Cows
Stone of Jordan Farm Nightmare Andariel
Uniques / Set Items Farm Hell Pindleskin, Hell Andariel, or Hell Mephisto
Holy Grail Items Farm champion areas (see next table)
Godly Rares Farm champion areas (see next table)
Low or Middle Tier Runes Farm Nightmare Cows or all difficulties of Countess (see rune table)
High Teir Runes Farm Hell Cows, Travincal council, or champion areas (see next table)
Key of Terror Farm Hell Countess: p1 drop chance 1:14, p3 drop chance 1:11, higher player counts not optimal
Key of Hate Farm Hell Summoner: p1 drop chance 1:11, p3 drop chance 1:8, higher player counts not optimal
Key of Destruction Farm Hell Nihlathak: p1 drop chance 1:12, p3 drop chance 1:9, higher player counts not optimal

Champion / Level 85+ Area Farming

The areas listed below drop items lvl 85 and up, and provide the best chance to receive any item in the game or the best rares. Choose areas with immunities you won't encounter to make farming more brainless.

Champion Area (Hell Difficulty) Nearest Waypoint Champ. Packs Possible Immunities
Mausoleum    Cold Plains 4–5 Light.
Underground Passage L2    Stony Field 2+ Fire Cold Light. Psn.
The Pit L1    Tamoe Highland 6–8 Fire Cold Light.
The Pit L2    Tamoe Highland 2–3 Fire Cold Light.
Stony Tomb L1    Dry Hills 6–8 Light. Psn.
Stony Tomb L2    Dry Hills 3–4 Light. Psn.
Maggot Lair L3    Far Oasis 4–5 Light. Psn. Phys.
Ancient Tunnels    Lost City 6–8 Fire Light. Psn. Phys. Magic
Arachnid Lair    Spider Forest 4–5 Fire Light. Psn.
Swampy Pit L1    Flayer Jungle 5–6 Light. Psn.
Swampy Pit L2    Flayer Jungle 5 Fire Light. Psn.
Swampy Pit L3    Flayer Jungle 5–6 Light. Psn.
Disused Fane    Kurast Bazaar 4 Cold Light. Psn. Phys. Magic
Ruined Temple    Kurast Bazaar 4 Fire Cold Magic
Sewers L1    Kurast Bazaar 6–7 Cold Light. Psn. Magic
Forgotten Temple    Upper Kurast 2 Fire Cold Light.
Forgotten Reliquary    Upper Kurast 4 Fire Cold Magic
Disused Reliquary    Upper Kurast 2 Fire Cold Light.
River of Flame    River of Flame 6–7 Fire Cold Light. Psn.
Chaos Sanctuary    River of Flame 6–7 Fire Cold Light.
Abaddon    Frigid Highlands 6–8 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Phys.
Pit of Acheron    Arreat Plateau 6–8 Fire Cold Psn. Phys. Magic
Drifter Cavern    Glacial Trail 6–8 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Phys.
Infernal Pit    Frozen Tundra 5–7 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Phys. Magic
Icy Cellar    Ancients' Way 6–8 Cold Light. Psn. Phys.
Worldstone Keep L1    Worldstone Keep L2 6–8 Fire Cold Light.
Worldstone Keep L2    Worldstone Keep L2 6–8 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Magic
Worldstone Keep L3    Worldstone Keep L2 6–8 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Phys. Magic
Throne of Destruction    Worldstone Keep L2 6–8 Fire Cold Light. Psn. Phys. Magic